Author Archives: Pam Downing


Millions of people who suffer back pain have been given further evidence of the benefits of Pilates.  Regular exercisers were more likely to feel less pain than those who did none.  The discipline and certain pilates poses have long been believed to benefit lumbar problems.

Gentle Exercise for the body as well as the Mind

Here are 5 reasons to take up Pilates: 1.It encourages us to think of our body and mind as one:  Many ancient philosophies which remember informed much of our modern medicine – revolve around holistic principles, which basically means that body and mind are linked. 2.It could make you a better runner/cyclist/tennis player: A strong […]

Foam Roller Refresher Workshop

This workshop was presented by Cherry Baker of Modern Pilates in Glossop.  Highly informative and gave me lots of new ideas of working with the Foam Roller.  The Foam Roller is designed to provide sensory motor challenge, enhances proprioception, heightens anticipatory and reactive response.  It also improves balance, dynamic strength and neural and  muscular flexibility.

Pelvic Floor Function and Dysfunction

I attended this course on Saturday 28th November 2015 and it proved to be very worthwhile. Pelvic Floor weakness is a worldwide problem crossing continents and cultures, affecting men and women across all strata of society.  It is as common in the third world as it is in the West and can affect the young, […]

The Psoas: Muscle of the Soul

The Psoas muscle (pronounced so-as) is the deepest muscle of the human body affecting our structural balance, muscular integrity, flexibility, strength, range of motion, joint mobility and organ functioning. It is the only ‘muscle’ to connect the spine to the legs.  It is responsible for holding us upright and allows us to lift our legs […]

Clinical Pilates Instructor

Having now attended the three courses, Hip and Knee, Shoulder and Spinal Conditions I am now a qualified  Clinical Pilates Instructor which means I am armed with more knowledge to help the general public with posture related issues/conditions.  

Benefits of Squats

What makes squats such a fantastic exercise?   1.  Builds Muscles in your entire body – squats obviously help to build your leg muscle but they also create an anabolic environment which promotes body-wide muscles building.  Squats can actually help you improve both your upper and lower body strength. 2. Functional Exercise makes Real-Life Activities […]